CBSE Pathshala: Stars and The Solar System- Question bank for Class8th

8th     Stars and the solar system    Assignment                  

1.  Define:  Celestial objects, Phases of Moon, Light year, Constellation, Asteroids, Meteors, Meteorite, Comets, and Crescent Moon
2. Why do phases of moon occur?
3. Explain the surface of moon.
4. What is the distance of the Alpha centaury?
5. Why does stars appears to move from East to West?
6. Why does pole star does not appear to move?
7. Name a constellation which can be seen (a) during summer  (b) during winter
8. How can we locate pole star using the constellation Ursa major (draw diagram also)
9. Name the brightest star in the sky which is located closed to Orion
10. (a) Name the planet nearest to Sun                                   
      (b)Name the brightest planet in the sky
      (c)Which planet is often called a morning or an evening star?
      (d)Name a planet which rotates from east to west
      (e)Which planet is called Red planet?
       (f)Which is the largest planet of the solar system?
       (g)What is the mass of Jupiter as compared to earth?
       (h)Which planet has density less than that of water?
11. Why is Earth called a unique planet?
12. What is responsible for the change of seasons on Earth ?
13. What are artificial satellites? Name any 5 artificial satellites .What are their applications.

CBSE Pathshala: Stars and The Solar System- Question bank : Chapter: 17- Stars and The Solar System- Question bank for Class VIII(8 th ) 1. Which is the smallest planet of the solar system?

Stars and The Solar System- Question bank VIII(8th)

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