MCQ Based on Carbon and It’s Compound 10th (X)

Q1. Which of the following is not a saturated hydrocarbon?

(i) cyclohexane

( ii) benzene.

(iii) butane

(iv) isobutene

Q2.The bond between two identical non metallic atom has a pair of electron?

(i)un equally shared between two atoms.

(ii)transferd completely from one atom to another.

(iii)with identical spins

(iv)equally shared between them.

Q3. Covalent compounds are generally

( i)soluble in water

(ii)insoluble in water

(iii)ionize in water

(iv)hydrolyse in water

Q4. Propane with the molecular formula C3H8 has

( i) 7covalent bonds

(ii) 8 covalent bonds

(iii) 9 covalent bonds

( iv) 10 Covalent bonds.

Q5. A hydrocarbon reacts with ammonical cuprous chloride solution to form a red precipitate .The hydrocarbon is

(i) ethane (ii) ethene (iii)butane (iv)1-propyne

Q6.Which of the following substance is added to denature Ethanol ?

( i)methanol


(iii)copper sulphate

(iv)all of them

Q7. Which of the following is not an allotropic form of carbon

(i) fluorine

(ii) fullerene

(iii) diamond

(iv) graphite

Q8.Which of the following represents the correct decreasing order of hydrogen atoms ?

(i) alkanes , alkenes , alkynes

(ii) alkanes , alkaynes , alkenes

(iii) alkenes , alkynes , alkanes

(iv)alkynes , alkanes , alkenes

Q9.Detergents are sodium or potassium salts of long chain of ;-



(iii)carboxylic acid

(iv) sulphonic acid

Q10.Which of the following represents the structure of N2 molecule ?

(i) N≡ N

(ii) N = N

(iii) N - N

(iv) None of the above

Q11. In double covalent bond there is sharing of

(ii)4 electrons

(iii) 6electrons

(iv) 3electrons

Q12. Cation is formed when

(i) atom gains electrons

(ii) atom loses electrons

(iii) proton is lost by the atom

(iv) atom shared by electrons

Q13. The total no. of electrons that take part in forming a bond in N2 is

(i) 2

(ii) 4

(iii) 6

(iv) 10

Q14.Which of the following has the weakest carbon-carbon strength?




(iv)all have the same bond strength

Q15.Which of the following salt when dissolved in water produces hard water.

(i) Calcium sulphate

(ii) Magnesium bicarbonate

(iii) Calcium chloride

(iv) Any of the above


Q1. ( ii) benzene                                  Q2. (iv) equally shared between them

Q3. (ii) in soluble in water                     Q4. (iv) 10 covalent bond

Q5. (iv)1-propyne                                Q6. (iv) all of them

Q7. (i)fluorine                                     Q8. (i) alkanes , alkenes , alkynes

Q9. (iv) sulphonic acid                          Q10.(i)N≡N

Q11.(ii) 4 electrons                             Q12. (ii) atom loses the electrons

Q13. (iii) 6                                          Q14. (i) C2H2     Q15. (iv) any of the above

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