Problem Solving Assessment:Sample Question Paper

English Language    PSA ENGLISH    
(Questions 1 to 8) Read the following passage carefully and select the most suitable option from  each list according to the corresponding  number in the passage
The Indian Peafowl, alternatively(1) known as the Blue Peafowl, is the national bird of India. The male is called a peecok(2) and has  feathers which are made up of a range(3) of beautiful colours.  The female is  called a peahen.   The majority(4) of the female’s feathers are a plain (5)brown colour. These birds usually  live in sparsely  populated areas such as forests and don’t fly very often.  They eat berries, seeds and  sometimes snakes or small animals.

Q 1.  Which of the following could replace ‘alternatively’ as  used  in the passage above?
1) and
2) also
3) then
4) never

Q 2.    Which of the following is the correct spelling of ‘peecok’?
1) peacok
2) peacock
3) peecock
4) peakock

Q 3.   Which of the following could replace ‘a range of’ as used in the passage above?
1) pretty
2) unusual
3) a group of
4) a selection of

Q 4.    Which of the following is the opposite in meaning to ‘majority’ as used in the passage above?
1) lots
2) several
3) nearly all
4) not many 3

Q 5.   Which of the following could replace ‘plain’ as used in the passage above?
1) pale
2) dark
3) simple
4) gentle

Q6.   Which of the following could replace ‘sparsely’ as used in the passage above?
1) lightly
2) heavily
3) densely
4) narrowly

Q 7.  Which of the following could replace ‘populated’ as used in the passage above?
1) popular
2) settled
3) liveable
4) uninhabited
Q8.   Which of the following could replace ‘They’ as used in the passage above?
1) People
2) Hunters
3) Animals
4) Peafowl

(Questions 9 to 12)This passage contains errors and an omission. Choose the correct option from the lists  below to correct these errors and complete the passage.

The commonwealth Games were held in India in 2010. (9)
It was very successful and the attendances were high.  10)
A village was built for the athletes besides the stadium.       (11)
During an interview, the TV commentator  said,_______________________(12)

1) Comma required after ‘Games’.
2) ‘Games’ should not begin with a capital.
3) Capital letter required for ‘commonwealth’
4) Apostrophe required after ‘commonwealth’4

1) They are
2) They was
3) They were
4) They been
1) near
2) close
3) inside
4) toward 

1) These were the best games ever.
2)   “These were the best games ever!” 
3) “These were the best games ever”!
4) “that these were the best games ever.”

(Questions 13 to 16) In this passage, errors or parts of a sentence which have been left out, have been  underlined.  To correct these errors and correctly complete the passage, choose the correct option  from the lists below.

Bina the zookeeper woke early although she wanted to see the tiger     (13)
give birth. The zoo vet were hoping  that the event would be                  (14)
successful and had stayed with the tiger overnight. When he arrived    (15)
at work, the excitement was already beginning to build      ______ .       (16)

1) because
2) however
3) therefore
4) as a result of 

1) will hope
2) is hoping
3) had hoped
4) was hoping5

1) she
2) they
3) the vet
4) the man

1) because there was a new cage for the tiger.
2) as it seemed that the cub’s arrival was close.
3) when the tiger cub went to the pond to have a drink of water.
4) since the sun was shining and it was a joyful day for everyone.

( Questions 17 to 20) Complete this passage by selecting the most suitable option from the list for  the corresponding gap. 

Dieticians claim that to maintain a healthy body, we __(17)__ to stay away from high calorie foods.
But selecting low calorie nutritious foods __(18)__ quite a daunting task. Selecting food, studying nutrition facts on food labels and preparing meals all seem to add to the  feeling that healthy eating is __(19)__. Another barrier to healthy eating is the marketing of cheap,    pre-packaged foods  that has made it so  much easier to reach out for a __(20)__ snack.
1) may try
2) should try
3) might have tried
4) would have tried
1) can be
2) should be
3) may have been
4) would have been
1) a simple effort.
2) easily achievable.
3) urgently required.
4) a demanding task.6
1) cheap low calorie
2) simple and natural
3) tempting unhealthy
4) pre-packaged healthy

( Questions 21 to 24) Complete this passage by selecting the correct option from the list for the  corresponding gap. 

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was one of the greatest novelists and poets of India. He is __(21)__ for  being the author of Vande Mataram, the National Song of India.  Chatterjee began his ( Questions 21 to 24) Complete this passage by selecting the correct option from the list for the  corresponding gap.  Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was one of the greatest novelists and poets of India. He is __(21)__ for  being the author of Vande Mataram, the National Song of India.  Chatterjee began his __(22)__ career  as a writer of verse, but __(23)___ turned to writing fiction. Bankim Chatterjee was a superb story-teller  and he enjoyed universal popularity. His novels have been __(24)__ into almost all of the major  languages of India.
1)   blessed
2)  splendid
3)   infamous
4)   acclaimed
Q 22.
1) prior
2) literary
3) life long
4) song writing
Q 23. 
1) later
2) prior
3) firstly
4) meanwhile
Q 24.
1) reworded
2) translated
3) explained
4) paraphrased__
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