CBSE PHYSICS: X MCQ On Electricity

 (Practice) MCQ of Electricity
1.Electricity constituted by electric charges at rest on the surface of a conductor is called
a. Electricity b. Potential difference c. Current electricity d. Static electricity
 2.The closed path between two points at different potentials, to make the electric current flow is called
a. Electric circuit b. Electric current   c. Electric potential d. Electric cell.
3. Direction of conventional current is taken from a. Negative to positive b. Positive to negative
c. It could be from positive to negative or negative to positive d. None of these.
4. With increase in temperature, resistance of a conductor
 a. Decreases                                                      b. Increases      
c . May decreases or increases depending on temperature  
d. It does not depend on temperature.
5. In series combination, resistance increases due to increase in
a. Temperature b Humidity c. Length d. Area of cross-section.
6. In parallel combination, resistance decreases due to increase in
a. Temperature     b. Humidity c.  Area of cross-section  d. Length.
7. The rate at which electricity is dissipated or consumed by an appliance is called electrical
a. current b. Power c. Potential d. Energy.
8. The unit of electrical power is
a. watt b. ampere c. joule d. ohm.
9. In series combination of electrical appliances, total electrical power
a. Increases b. Decreases  c. May increases or decreases d. Does not changes.
20.The equivalent resistance in series combination is
a. Smaller than the resistance having high value
b .Larger than the largest resistance
c. Smaller than the smallest resistance
d. Larger than the smallest resistance.
21.In a circuit containing two unequal resistors connected in parallel
a. The current is same in both resistors
b. The current is large in the resistance having more value  
c. The voltage is same across both the resistors  
d .The voltage drops is larger across both the resistors.
22.. A fuse wire is always inserted in the
a. Live wire b. In the neutral wire c. In the earth wire d. May be connected in any line.
23. Two bulbs in a house, one glow brighter than the other. The bulb with large resistance is
a. Dim bulb b. The brighter bulb c. Both has same resistance d. None of these.
24.The characteristics of fuse wire is
a. High melting point                                    b Low melting point
c. Low  resistivity  and high melting point      d. High resistivity and low melting point.
25.The unit of specific resistance is
A .Ohm/m2 b. Ohm-m c. Ohm m3 d. Ohm/m3
ANSWERS :     Q1.d        Q2.a          Q3.b          Q4.b             Q5.c      Q6.c   Q7.b       Q8.a
Q9.b         Q10.a           Q11c.   12.b    Q13.b      Q14.b        Q15.b        Q16.c         Q17.b  
Q18.b   Q19.c        Q20.b       Q21.c         Q22.a        Q23.a   Q24.d   Q25.b

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