CBSE VI:Science:Getting to Know Plants Quick evision Notes

Class VI: Science: Getting to Know Plants 


1. A herb is a non-woody plant that has green and tender stems with few branches and is usually short 

2. A herb is a non-woody plant that has green and tender stems with few branches and is usually short. 

3. Herbs have a variety of uses including adding flavor to food, providing medicine for diseases and in some cases even adding a spiritual touch. 


1.Shrubs are taller than herbs and have stems branching out from the base. 

2. The stems of shrubs are hard not but thick. 

3. A common place where shrubs are grown is known as shrubbery. 


1.A tree is a woody plant that has many branches on a single stem. 

2. Trees benefit us by preventing soil erosion, maintaining the carbon dioxide content in the air and in building huts and making furniture. 


1. Creepers have a tendency to develop new plants on their own. 

2. A few creepers could cause allergies or skin problems if touched. 


1.Climbers are plants that need support from other structures to grow and spread. 

2.Climbers can either move horizontally or vertically unlike creepers that move only horizontally. 

3. Climbers attracts insects and reptiles because of their brightly coloured flowers and fragrance 

Root hair: The tiny thread-like structures comes over the roots are the root hair. The tip of the root is called the root cap. 

Roots are of two types - tap root and fibrous roots. 
Tap root: A primary root that grows more or less straight down into the soil, and is tapered towards the end. This main root is called the tap root. 

Lateral roots: There are many smaller roots that branch out from the tap root are called lateral roots. Examples of plants with tap roots are hibiscus, carrot, turnip and sunflower. 

Fibrous roots: Many lateral roots that start from the base of the stem are called fibrous roots. Examples of plants with fibrous roots are banana, grass and onion. 

The main functions of the roots: 

1. Absorb water and nutrients from the soil 

2. They store food like sugars and carbohydrates 

3. The roots hold the plant firmly in the soil, thereby serving as an anchor to the plant. 

The main functions of the Stem: 

1. Holds the leaves, flowers and fruits 

2. Transport water and nutrients 

vascular tissue : The vascular tissue inside the stem helps to transport water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves, and food from the leaves to the roots. 

Transpiration : Plants release excess water in the form of water vapour through minute openings in the leaves, called the stomata. This process is known as transpiration 

The different parts of a flower: The flower is the reproductive part of a plant. 

1.The green leaf-like parts surrounding the bud are called the sepals. They protect the bud before it blooms into a flower. The sepals are collectively called the calyx. 

2.The brightly coloured parts of a flower are called the petals. It helps plant to attract insects and birds for pollination 

3. The male part of a flower is called the stamen, and the female part is called the pistil. 

4. The sepals are collectively called the calyx. 

5. The petals are collectively called the corolla. 

6. In some flowers, the petals and sepals combine to form a round shape, which is called the tepal. 

Fertilization: The male and female parts of a flower are involved in the formation of fruit in a process called fertilization. 

The male reproductive part of a flower: The stamen is the male reproductive part of a flower. 
1. The small tube with a little bulge at the end of a stamen is called the filament. 

2. The filament has a yellow sac called the anther. 

3. This yellow sac contains pollen grains, which contain male reproductive cells. 

The female reproductive part of a flower : Pistil consists of three parts - the stigma, the style and the ovary. 

1. The upper end of the pistil is called the stigma, where pollen grains get deposited and enter the pistil. 

2. The narrow tubular part is called the style, which connects the stigma to the lower part of the pistil. 

3. The lower bulgy part of the pistil is called the ovary. It contains ovules. 

4. The female reproductive cells are ovules

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