This is based on Sample paper issued by CBSE 2015 for SA- II Session 2015
Very short answers -VSA (1 mark) [Total 8 questions]
1. Name the book published by Natesa Sastri?

2. Which act had resulted in the formation of the „United kingdom of great Britain‟ ?

3. In which class of mail do cards and envelopes fall into ? 

4. What does Kittiko –Hachchiko mean ? 

5. What is the most distinctive feature of democracy ? 
6. About how much percentage of loan of the poor households in urban area comes from the formal sector ?

7. Manufacturer should not use aggressive selling techniques to sell a particular product without giving the consumer a chance to select from alternative products available. Which right is referred here ? 

8. When was India’s Foreign trade liberalised ?

Short answers -VSA (3 mark) [Total 12 questions]
1. Mention the three movements based on Satyagraha, organized by Mahatma Gandhi on his return to India from South Africa.

2. How did the women respond to Gandhiji‟s Salt March ? Explain.

3. Justify the reasons given by the rebellious nationalities in the Balkans to win back their long lost independence.


„Although the Vietnamese elite would enroll in schools let only a few qualified for better paid jobs‟. Support the statement with suitable arguments. 

3. Mention any three characteristics of iron-ore.

4. Highlight the objectives of National Jute Policy 2005.

5.How is tidal energy produced ? Explain.

6. State any three demerits of democracy.

7. How does democracy accommodate social diversities ?

8. Explain the economic outcome of democracy.

9. In what ways are locally formed consumer protection councils helpful in seeking redressal against unfair trade practices and exploitation ?

10. Mention any six items that can be kept as a collateral against loans ?

11. Explain the importance of globalization.

12. The First World war created a new economic and political situation in India. Justify the statement.

Long answers -VSA (5 mark) [Total 8 questions]
1. Explain the reason and effects of Jallianwala Bagh massacre. 

2. Describe any five events that led to the emergence of France as Nation.


“From the 18th century, many religious movements in Vietnam were hostile to the western presence.” Explain the statement.

3. Differentiate between metallic and non-metallic minerals with examples. 

4. Describe about Gondwana and Tertiary coals in India. 

5. What are sectional interest groups? What is the principal concern of these groups? 

6. What are interest groups? Explain their significance. 

7. Bigger companies mean more exploitation. Do you agree with statement? Justify your answer. 

8. How does the use of money eliminate the condition of double coincidence of wants? Explain with an example.

Short Answer-SA (3 Marks)-Map Questions [Total 2 questions]
(a) Two items A and B are shown in the given political outline map of India. Identify these items with the help of following information and write their correct names on the lines marked on the map : 

(i) Iron Ore Mines (ii) The place where the Congress Session was held in December 1920. 

(b) On the same political outline map of India, locate and label the following items with appropriate symbols 

(iii) Indore: Cotton Textile Industry 

(iv) Maragos: A major sea port 

(v) Kheda : Famous for Peasants Satyagrah. 

(vi) Mica mine – Gaya

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