Effectively manage preparatory leaves before Business Studies exam 2019

Dear Students

Board exams are just around the corner for most of us and, in addition to learning the material you’ve been taught all year, you should learn how to manage your time well while revising so that you get those top grades you’ve been working hard for.

Your second exam is on 6th March, 2019 for Accountancy and your next paper is Business Studies (14th March, 2019).So you have seven days for preparation and revision of this subject
You must have designed your own strategy to utilize these seven days judicially.
You can follow the strategy given below. You are free to make any modifications or changes in this strategy according to your requirement.

1.     On 6th March evening after exam and little rest do revision of chapters (at least 2) in which you are comfortable (like Consumer Protection and Controlling or any other chapter which you feel is easy ) .
·         Read NCERT Book thoroughly

·         Try direct, indirect, few application based questions and case studies(Best is to do the questions which appeared in last 4-5 years in CBSE Sample papers and board papers) . If you don’t have it, you can get it from link : Click here 

·         Make Mind Maps (write headings and sub headings ) after revising chapter. Mind maps is very simple yet effective technique to remember large amount of information .Click here to see mind map of chapter 1
Note:  Keep on writing or underlining your stumbling blocks (the topics where you are facing difficulty in remembering) while doing  all the chapters .

2.     On 7 th March do revision of 2 chapters in same manner.
3.     On 8 th ,9 th,10 th ,11 th March, do revision of 2 chapters a day in same manner.
4.     On 12 th  and 13 th March, 2019, After finishing all 12 chapters
·         Learn,Revise and go through the list of stumbling blocks created by you while doing chapters.

·         Also go through your school papers attempted(If you have preserved them ) .See your mistakes so that same in not repeated again.
·         Do try at least 5-6 Sample papers by writing only heading and sub heading of answers (no explanations).After doing this you will get an idea about topics or chapters which you still need to revise.
Click here to get few solved paper for your practice

·        You all know that presentation matters a lot in Business Studies Paper so do check the Model answer sheet downloaded from CBSE Website.
Click here to see that. You can also check the video on presentation tips Click here

Very Important :
In light of new changes (choices in question and paper divided in 5 sections namely A,B,C D and E) ,Please remember
1.     If you are doing a question with choice ,clearly mention whether you are doing first option or second option of choice (for example if there is choice in question number 3 ,write : Ans 3 I option  or Ans 3 II Option)
2.     In addition to writing of answer number ,Do mention Section (A,B,C D or E) also for clarity .

Business studies is a scoring subject. Have faith in your preparations and you.All the best!

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