CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper 2nd term 2014

Find CBSE class 10th Social Science sample paper for the Second term examination. Question has been framed as per the syllabus covered in the first term examination.

Time allowed: 3 hours                                                    Maximum Marks: 90
1 marks Questions
1. Which of the following was not a feature of the Conservatism in Europe after 1815?
(a) Established traditional systems of state and society
(b) Efficient Bureaucracy
(c) Modern army
 (d) Democracy
Which of these was not the challenge faced by the new Republic of Vietnam ?
(a) Attack of the French armies to regain control.
(b) Division of Vietnam.
(c) Fall of the Bao Dai regime
(d) Young generation’s emigration to Japan.
2. Which of the following is false about the Hapsberg Empire ?
(a) It ruled over Austria – Hungary
(b) It comprised of Italian and German speaking people
 (c) It shared a strong common identity
(d) All the groups had no common allegiance to the emperor.
Identify the blind poet from Vietnam who wrote, “I would rather face eternal darkness than see the faces of traitors.”
 (a) Ngyuyen Dinh Chieu
(b) Phan Chu Trinch
(c) Ngo Dinh Diem
(d) Phan Boi Chau
3. What did the idea of Satyagrah emphasise ?
(a) Traditional way of mass agitation.
(b) Passive resistance.
(c) Appeal to the conscience of the oppressor.
(d) Use of physical force to fight the oppressor.
4.Which of the following is not true regarding the non-wearing of Khadi in cities.
(a) Did not appeal to all.
(b) Could not boycott mill cloth for too long.
(c) Alternative Indian Institutions were fast to come up.
(d) More expensive.
5. Which one of the following minerals is largely derived from placer deposits ?
(a) Gold
(b) Magnesium
(c) Bromine
(d) Salt
6. Where does Fertilizer Corporation of India has Fertilizer Industry ?
(a) Hazira in Gujarat
(b) Jaipur in Rajasthan
(c) Aurangabad in Maharashtra
(d) Patna in Bihar.
7. What was the aim of popular movement in Nepal held in April 2006 ?
(a) To restore democracy
(b) To protest against price rise.
(c) To recall the elected representatives
(d)To have good ties with India
8. Which of the following organizations pressurized the government in Bolivia to give up its control of municipal water supply ?
(a) International Monetary Fund
(b) World Health Organization
(c) World Bank
(d) Multi National Company
9. Which one of the following is a challenge to Political Parties ?
(a) Parties put forward different policies and programmes.
(b) Parties shape public opinion.
(c) Parties do not seem to offer a meaningful choice.
(d) Parties contest elections.
3 marks Questions
10. “The nation building process in Germany had demonstrated the dominance of the Prussian state power.” Analyse any three characteristic features of Prussia‟s leadership role in movement for German unification
Explain any three features of scholars revolt in 1868 in Vietnam. 1868
11. What was the Khilafat Agitation ? Why did Gandhiji give support to this agitation ?
12. How can we conserve our mineral resources for future generation? Explains any three ways.
13. Explain the importance of automobile industry in India.
14. What is the importance of the IT sector for the Indian economy? Explain.
15. Describe any three features of a Pressure Groups.
16.Why is a democratic government considered less efficient ? Give any three reasons.
17. Suggest any three ways to accommodate social diversity for making life more harmonious
18. Explain the main challenge to democracy in India.
19. „Rapid improvement in technologies has been a major factor that has stimulated the globalization process. Support the statement with any three suitable examples.
20. How can free and fair trade be achieved? Explain.
21. Explain the three tier quasi judicial machinery setup under COPRA.
5 marks Questions
22. Assess the role of Mahatma Gandhi in the National Movement with special reference to the methods adopted by him.
 23. Describe the effects of US entry into war in Vietnam for the Vietnamese as well on the life within USA.
 24. Explain the significance of Border Roads.
 25. Explain the deposit and loan activities of banks.
 26. Compare the terms of credit for small -landless agricultural workers and medium farmers in a village
27. What was Romanticism? How was it linked to Nationalism?
28. Cheap and affordable credit is crucial for the countries development. Highlight the role of loans in reference to India.
29. How far has India succeeded in overcoming, the challenge of expansion before its democracy? Evaluate.
Map Question 5 mark
30. on the political map of India. Identifying these features place with the help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines marked in the map.
(a) The place where the Non – Cooperation Movement was called off.
(b) The place where the Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha took place.
(c) The place where Gandhiji started the satyagrahs in favour of Cotton Mill Workers.
(d) The place where INC session of 1920 September was held.
(e) The place where the Salt – satyagraha ended

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