CBSE FA-4 Replaced by Problem Solving Assessment (CBSE-PSA)

CBSE will take 90 marks Problem Solving Assessment in January-February 2013 for class 9 and class 11 students. This will replace school based forth formative assessment (FA-4).
The FA-4 carries 10% marks (10 marks out of 100) and PSA will carry 90 marks. It means students will have to sit in this 90 Marks (60 questions) paper that will be conducted by the Board (not by the school) but the weightage for this test will be rounded off to 10% (10 marks) only)
In simpler form, work hard for 90 marks but you will get only 10 marks if you score 100% in this exam.
Is it making the study stressful or joyful. In our opinion CBSE is creating so many complications and confusions. CCE is not really joyful as claimed by CBSE. The exam system is being made so complicated that schools and parents will need to hire a consultant to understand what is CCE and what to study in particular month.
Please write your comments about the modifications in CBSE exam pattern every now and then. 

Class 09 : PSA For Class 09
Class 10 : PSA For class 10

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