10th class Chemistry chapter 1. Chemical change
Chemistry Adda 1. Chemical reactions- Chemical changes or chemical reactions are the changes in which one or more new substances are formed. 2. Chemical Equations – Representation of a chemical reaction in terms of symbols and formulae of the reactants and products is known as chemical equation. 3. Balanced Chemical equation – The chemical equation in which the no. of atoms of different elements is same on both sides of the arrow is called balanced chemical equation. 4. The chemical reactions can be classified into different types such as (a) Combination reactions- The reactions in which...

Extrascore science Acid Base and salt solved question

Match the important chemicals given in Column (A) with the chemical formulae given in Column (B) Column (A) Column (B)(a) Plaster of Paris (i) Ca(OH)2(b) Gypsum (ii) CaSO4.1/2 H2O(c) Bleaching Powder (iii) CaSO4.2H2O(d) Slaked Lime ...
Acid base and salt for 10
Chemistry Adda VERY SHORT QUESTIONS ANSWER Q.1. Name two natural indicators. Ans. Litmus solution, beet-root extract and turmeric solution. Q.2. Name the acid present in vinegar and lemon. Ans. In vinegar acetic acid is present and in lemon it is citric acid. Q.3. What is an Alkali. Ans. The base that dissolves in water is called alkali. Q.4. What is the colour of methyl orange in acidic solution. Ans. The colour of methyl orange is pink in acidic solution. Q.5. In a solution phenolphthalein turns pink. What is the nature or solution? Ans. The solution is basic. Q.6. Hydrogen...

Acids Bases and Salts

2 and 3 Marks questions Q 1.What are indicators ? Name some common indicators Ans. Indicators are substances that undergo definite color change in acids and bases solution. Some common indicators are – Litmus solution, methyl orange, phenolphthalein etc. Q.2. What are alkalis? Write three examples. Ans. The bases which dissolve in water to give OH- ions in solution are called alkalis, such as- NaOH, KOH, Ca(OH)2.Q3. While diluting the acid, why is it recommended that acids should be added to water and not water to acid? Ans. Mixing of water and acid is a highly exothermic process. When...

Acid Bases And Salts Notes

Acids: Acids are sour in taste, turn blue litmus red and give H3O+ ion (hydronium ions in solution. e.g. HCl, H2SO4, HNO3 etc2. Bases: Bases are bitter in taste, have soapy touch, turns red litmus blue and give hydroxide ions (OH-) in solution. Example – NaOH, KOH etc 3. Salts: - A salt is a compound which is formed by neutralization reaction between an acid and base. For example, sodium chloride is formed by reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. Acid + base à Salt + water HCl+NaOHàNaCl+H2O 4. Indicators - Indicators are...

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