13th Student Blogging Challenge

About the challenge

The aim of the student blogging challenge is to connect student bloggers with a global audience while supporting teachers with their classroom blogging.

It runs twice yearly, starting in March and September, and guides the participants through blogging and commenting over 10 weeks.

The Weekly Tasks

Each week participants are given weekly tasks to increase their skills. There is a wide range of ways you can participate in the Student Blogging

Challenge series:

Class blog – teachers and students can participate as a class. Teachers, or students, can publish their weekly tasks on their class blog or students can participate through leaving comments on posts.

Student blogs – individual students can participate in the challenge by publishing posts on their own student blogs and leaving comments of other students.

You can start the challenge at any time and teachers can customize the tasks to meet the needs of their class.

The Student Blogging Challenge runs twice yearly. A new Challenge starts March and September, each year.

It is made up of a series of 10 weekly tasks all designed to improve blogging and commenting skills while connecting students with a global audience.

The Challenge is open to both class blogs and to individual student bloggers from all over the world and of all ages – blogs don’t need to be hosted by Edublogs to participate!*

Participants can complete as many of the tasks as they like and in any order.

If you are an educator, you can also register to mentor a small group of students.

Registration forms are published mid February and Mid August ready for the challenges in March and September

Registration forms for classes and students have already been published. These were each on a separate post with a Google form asking for certain information. Once you have registered as a class or student, you will be able to visit the participant pages which will be found in the header area of this blog as well as below here.

Class registration – Teachers only to fill in this form with their homeclass blog

Class participants

Student registration – Students with their own individual blog which might be part of a course you are taking

Student participation

For further information and registration click here

Searches related to Student Blogging Challenge
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student blogging rubric

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