CBSE_NCERT Solved Question_6th Science: Living and Non Living things around us

Q. What is habitat? 

Answer: The surroundings where plants and animals live, is called their habitat. The presence of specific features, which enable a plant or an animal to live in particular habitat, is called adaptation.

Q. Which organism grow throw their lives 

Ans: Plants

Q. What do living organism produce when oxygen combine with food? 

Ans: Energy and carbon dioxide

Q. Name the process of giving out waste from body 

Ans: Excretion

Q. What is the time within which a living stay alive? 

Ans: life span

Q. what is by product of respiration? 

Ans: Carbon dioxide
Q. what is similarity of cell and an atom of matter? 

Ans: Both are structural units.

Q. Name a plant that shows response to stimulus? 

Ans: Touch me not and sunflower

Q. State any two similarities between living and non living? 

Ans: Both are made up of matter and have structural unit . 

Q. what are the factors on which growth of living things depends on? 

Ans: Growth in living things depends on: Food, climate, environment and life style

Q. List the way in which living and non living respond to external stimuli? 

Ans: Living things respond to light, heat, smell, pain etc. We cry when any one prick to us. leaves of plant wither in hot day, Leaves and stem of plant grow towards light.non living thins change shape and size on heating or cooling.

Q. Discuss different way ways by which living things reproduce? 

Ans: See topic: All living things reproduce

Q. How can you prove that CO2 is by product of respiration? 

Ans: We take lime water Ca (OH)2 in a beaker. Blow some air to mouth though a straw. Lime tun milky that shows presence of carbon dioxide. 

Q. Why do root of plant grow in soil? 

Ans: Root of plant show response to the earth gravity and grow in soil to get water and mineral.

Q. Fire –consume oxygen, moves from one place to other and respond to stimuli. Is fire living .Justify 

Ans: no fire is not living things as it is not made up of living cells

Q. On what factors weather forecasting is done? 

Ans: Climate , Distance from sun, wind speed any thousands of other factors

Q. How does exchange of gases take place in an earthworm? 

Ans: Exchange of gases in an earthworm takes place through its moist skin.

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