Edugain: IX Ch:Is matter around us pure :MCQ’S

Choose the best correct option in the following as :-
Q1. The used tea learns are separated from prepared tea by the method of:
a. Centrifugation   b.  Filtration   c. Evaporation   d. Sublimation
Q2. Separating funnel technique is used to separate components which are -
a.Miscible liquids   b. Immiscible liquids    c. Solid and  liquid  d. Solid and gas
Q3. Centrifugation technique is used to separate:
a. Cream from milk b. Ammonium chloride and salt c. Alcohol & water d. iron filling  and sulphur
Q4. Which one is a correct method of separating is on filings from sulphur powder.
a. Heating with water                       b. passing the mixture over a magnet    
c. heating in a china dish                 d. using a separating funnel.
Q5. The process of cooling a hot and concentrate solution of a substance to obtain crystals of the solute called
a.Evaporation b. Sublimation c. Crystallization d. Chromatography
Q6. Identify the method used to separate more than two components of a mixture whose difference in being  point is <25°C.
a.Distillation b. Fractional distillation c. Crystallization d.   Centrifugation.
Q7. A simple distillation technique used for the mixture if.
a. Two liquid miscible                                                b. They boil without decomposition  
c.  They  have sufficient  difference  in their boiling points.      d. All the above.
Q8. For water purification system in water work, the following steps are carried out.
1.Loading 2. Sedimentation. 3. Chlorination 4.Filtration : the correct sequence of steps is
a.2,1,4,3      b. 2,3,4,1     c. 2,1,3,4 d. 4,1,2,3
Q9. A mixture containing sand, Sodium chloride, Ammonium chloride and iron filing may be separated by  using following steps. The correct sequence of steps would be.
1.By using magnet           2. Filtration       3. Evaporation    4. Sublimation
Q10. The process of crystallization used to.
a. Purify a large number of water soluble salts. b. Purification of salt that we get from sea water.
c. Separate crystals B alum (phitkari) from inpure sample. d. All the above.
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CCE :IX Chapter: Is matter around us pure : MCQ’S
CCE :IX Chapter: Is matter around us pure : MCQ’S
CCE :IX Chapter: Is matter around us pure : MCQ’S
Fill in the blanks: IX:   Is matter around us pure  
Test yourself: IX :Is matter around us pure :MCQ’S

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