Monday, December 8, 2014

Class IX S.St. Model Test Paper-3 (Solved) For S.A. II 2014-2015-2016 onward

TIME : 3 hours           Maximum Marks : 90
Q. No. 1 to 10 are MCQs ( 1mark for each question)
Q. No. 11 to 23 are short answer questions write in 60-80 words ( 3 marks for each question)
Q. No. 24 to 30 are long are questions write in 100-125 words ( 5 marks for each question)
Q. No. 31-1 and 31-2 are map questions. Please  attach the map inside the answer book 
Q.1     When were the first written ‘Laws  of Cricket’ drawn?
          (a) 1774        (b) 1775        (c)1776         (d)1780        
          Radical changes in women clothing were enabled by:
(a)  New times (b)Women’s movement       (c)World  war (d)Industrial revolution
Q2      When did Gandhiji adopt the short dhoti ,a form of dress and wore until his death ?
(a)  1920 (b)1923         (c)1922         (d)1921
Q3      Why do trees grow faster in summer?
          (a)Due to high temperature           (b)Due to longer duration of sunlight
          (c)Due to low temperature            (d)None of these
Q4      How many types of plants species are found in India?
(a)  About45,000         (b)About 40,000       (c)About47,000        (d)20,000
Q5      How many seats are reserved for the S.C.& S.T. in the Lok Sabha ?
(a)  49, 79        (b)50, 80       (c)79, 49       (d)49, 50
Q6      How many Fundamental Rights are guaranteed to the citizens by our Constitution ?
(a)  4     (b)5    (c)7    (d)6
Q7      What is PIL?
          (a)Public Interest Litigation   (b) Public Information Litigation
          (c) Public Interest Legislature         (d)Private Interest Litigation
Q8      What is average poverty ratio in India ?
(a)  25% (b)28%         (c)27%         (d)26%
Q9      What are two components of food security system ?
(a)  Buffer stock, FCI   (b)PDS ,FCI   (c)Buffer stock, PDS (d)Buffer stock,  Issue Prise
Q10    When was AAY  launched ?
(a)  1990 (b)1992         (c)2001         (d)2000
Answer (MCQ):       1. (a) or (c)   2. (d)  3. (b)  4. (c)  5. (a)  6. (c)  7. (a)  8. (d)  9. (c)  10.(d)
Q11- What is meant by the term deforestation? How are forests useful to us?  (3)
Ans:-The disappearance of forest area to full fill the demand of developing civilisations is known as deforestation. During the period of Colonialism, deforestation took a systematic approach towards industrial development.
Forests provide bamboo, wood for fuel, grass, charcoal, packaging, fruits, flowers, animals, birds, the tannin used to convert skins and hides into leather, the herbs and roots used for medicinal purposes, gum, honey, coffee, tea, rubber, oil and many other things.                                                     OR
Why did the colonial government want to convert grazing lands into cultivable farms?                                   
Ans:-Land revenue was the main source of finance of the colonial government. By expanding cultivation it could increase its revenue collection. It would get more jute, cotton, wheat and other agricultural produce that was required in England. Uncultivated land appeared unproductive to the colonial officials as it produced neither revenue nor agricultural produce. It was seen as ‘waste land’ that needed to be brought under cultivation.
Why did the whole region of the Great Plains become a dust bowl?                                                                      
Ans :-The Great Agrarian Depression started in 1930s which ruined the wheat farmers all around. The acts of these zealous farmers who, to expand the wheat cultivation, recklessly uprooted all vegetation. They turned the soil coverinto dust by using tractors. Their overzealous acts turned the whole regions of the Great Plains into dust bowl.
Q12-The Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton.’ What does this mean?                             (3)
Ans:-This statement actually implies that Britain’s military success was based on the values taught to schoolboys in Britain’s best public school, the Eton.
1) Men like Thomas Arnold, headmaster of the famous Rugby School and founder of the modern public school system in the 19th century, saw team sports like cricket and Rugby as an organised way of teaching
2) English boys learnt discipline, the importance of hierarchy, the skills, the codes of honour and the leadership qualities that helped them build and run the British empire.
3) Victorian empire builders justified the conquest of other countries as an act of unselfish social service, by which backward people were introduced to the civilising influence of British law and Western knowledge
How did the British use their political control to improve their textile industry?                        
Ans:-Political control helped the British to introduce cheap and fine mill made clothes in Indian market. Indian peasants could be forced to grow crops such as indigo. The coarser Indian clothes were easily made out of the market. As a result many weavers and spinners were rendered without work and important textile weaving centres such as Surat, Machilipatnam and Murshidabad declined.
Q13-What are the six controlling elements of the climate of India?                                    (3)

Ans:-India’s climate is  controlled by Download File

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Download File                       
IX S.St. Model Paper[CBSE 2014] -(UnSolved) S.A. II _01-10

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